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K8s Kubeclt

Date 24-10-2022
Author Thanakorn P.

Command kubectl

kubectl create deploment nginx-depl --image=nginx

kubectl get replicaset

kubectl edit deployment

kubectl describe pod mongo-depl-8fbdb868c-5whzs

kubectl logs mongo-depl-8fbdb868c-5whzscl

kubectl exec -it mongo-depl-8fbdb868c-5whzs -- bin/bash

kubectl delete deployment mongo-depl

kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
CRUD command  
Create deployment kubectl create deployment [name]
Edit deployment kubectl edit deployment [name]
Delete deployment kubectl delete deployment [name]

Status of different K8s components

kubectl get nodes | pod | services | replicaset | deployment

Debugging pods  
Log to console kubectl logs [pod name]
Get interactive terminal kubectl exec -it [pod name] – bin/bash
Get info about pod kubectl describe pod [pod name]

Use configuration file for CRUD  
Apply a configuration file kubectl apply -f [file name]
Delete with configuration file kubectl delete -f [file name]